07.26 K-ble Jungle party!!
ALIAN? JAPANESE? K-ble Jungle!!
( K-ブル ジャングル) on tour in Japan!!
K-ble Jungleとは?
イタリア人DJのDJ SHIRUと日本人シンガーERIKOにより結成されたユニット。
イタリアのアニメフェスティバルなどでDJとして活躍していたDJ SHIRUとイタリアでオペラを学んでいたERIKOが、2012年より文化協会Ochacaffe`の支援のもとユニットとしての音楽活動を始める。J-pop、クラシック、Italian popなど幅広いレパートリーに加え、演劇性も取り入れたライブが特徴。イタリアと日本という異なるバックグラウンドを活かしたオリジナリティ溢れるユニットである。
結成された2013年から、Lucca Comics & Games(ルッカ) 、Napoli Comicon(ナポリ), Japan Expo(フランス) や Roma Comics(ローマ)といったイタリア国内の主要な日本ポップカルチャーフェスティバルのメインアーティストとしてライブを成功させる。そして2013年、2014年も同様にこれらの主要フェスティバルに出演し、さらにスイス、フランス、ポルトガル、日本でもライブ活動を行った。
最新楽曲は、J-Popスタイルの「Winter story」と、エレットロニックサウンドとクラシックをミックスした「Akai Uta」で、この2曲は「おいかけてSummer」や「Alive」に続きイタリアのテレビ番組のテーマソングとしても採用された。2014年からは、イタリア人DJユニットSlugger Punchとのコラボも始まり、ダブステップとオペラの融合にも挑戦。Slugger PunchはDJ Shiruが作曲した曲のリミックスをするだけでなく、K-ble Jungleの新曲も手掛けていく予定で、今後のレパートリーに新たなジャンルが加わることになるだろう。K-ble Jungleは日本ポップカルチャーフェスティバルのみならず、フォーマルなイベントでも日本歌曲やイタリアのオペラなどを取り入れてコンサートを行っている。
K-ble Jungleはこれまでに様々なアーティストとのコラボを披露!
2012年は日本で “囃子”の若手グループZa Goninbayashiとのアンサンブルのレコーディングを行った。DJ Shiru作曲のMurasaki no Utaに、日本伝統音楽である囃子をリミックスさせたものである。
2013年はスイスで琴奏者の山路みほと日本歌曲でコラボを披露した。同年のナポリコミコンでは三味線奏者の大野敬正とのコラボ演奏、さらに日本ではワールドコスプレサミットで優勝したコスプレイヤー/歌手のGiorgia Vecchiniとのコラボも実現された。
2014年は南イタリアで行われたフェスティバルKatagames!とナポリコミコンで、アイドルグループ、バクステ外神田一丁目とのコラボ。歌だけでなく振り付けも合わせ、これまでのコラボとはまた少し違ったショーとなった。ナポリコミコンでは、イタリア人DJユニットのSlugger Punchとの初コラボでダブステップとオペラという新たなK-ble Jungleの一面も見せた。
Saturday 26th July from 19:00 – 19:00時から
K-ble Jungle party Entrance FREE!!
All cocktails at ¥500. All beers at ¥600 – 飲み物だけ 500 円。 ビール 600 円
SPEAK EASY BAR で会いましょう!!
Check the Facebook event out!!
K-ble Jungle and Eriko, a Japanese idol/pop star in Europe
For all of the fans of Japanese culture and especially music, Eriko is by now a familiar face. Her base is currently in Italy, where she moved a few years ago to study at the conservatory. She’s indeed a musician and singer who recently converted to pop music, in collaboration with another artist: DJ Shiru. The combination of her opera background and pop music has proved to be successful: her performances as a duo with DJ Shiru is a special blend of lyrical and original pieces of J-pop and J-rock, together with the most famous theme songs of anime. Their project, created in 2013, is called K-ble Jungle. The Kble Jungle has performed in Japan, Italy, Portugal, France, Switzerland and other places, and in 2013 their first demo CD, titled Colorful CD, was out in Japan. Their next CD is going to be published in 2014, and will include some original songs and some anime covers.
Needless to say, with these performances she has conquered many fans of the genre, which follow her in all her live appearances, enchanted by her crystalline, but energetic voice, notwithstanding seeing her so tiny.
Some online specialized magazines have recently defined her idol, which in Japan stands for a public figure with many artistic talents. Eriko is not only a singer but she has also a modeling career for young fashion and cosplay outfits, which she wears in her concerts: she performs at festivals and expos where anime and manga fans of the genre often also organize cosplay competitions. Eriko has also paraded in traditional dresses (kimono) and has a background as a host and testimonial of products on the TV station in her city, Nagasaki, and on national Italian channel Neko TV.
DJ Shiru is the crazy half of the duo. He has been promoting Japanese music through various activities and events. Initially bringing the Japanese sound in his DJ sets and moving the audience with its energy, DJ Shiru also plays a leading and pivotal role in organizing J–rock groups concerts in Italy. Their music is always open to other artists with frequent collaborations and featurings with various Japanese musicians, but also voice actors, dancers, Japanese painters and photographers.
DJ Shiru creates a soundtrack for the Japanese themed events such as fairs and festivals of comics and games, where he found his ideal audience surrounding himself with cosplayers and fans of Japan in all its forms.
Italy-Japan exchange in the music of The K-ble Jungle
DJ Shiru has begun to increase the fameof Japan-themed events by directing their soundtracks and making them known to the Italian audience. His lively DJ sets and his musical experiments have given way to its mission of bringing Japanese music to Europe, where the foreign music played is mainly Anglo-Saxon. Among other things, he has also helped bringing Japanese rock bands to Italy. Now he’s also proposing his own songs, having started a collaboration with the Japanese artist Eriko. Their show also includes original costumes, special effects, and what makes them special is the blend with other art performances in collaboration with other dancers, other singers, but also photographers and Japanese painters.
The ideal setting for a DJ Shiru show are the exclusive Japan fans gatherings, other than the comics fairs and festivals.
The duo ERIKO + DJ Shiru has performed their show this summer with many dates throughout Italy, France, Switzerland and Japan. Proposing their own original songs, some covers from Japanese soundtracks and Japanese pop and rock tracks with a combination of sounds and cultures in a unique blend bound to amaze and amuse the audience
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